Starting to lose track of the days? Trust me you're not the only one!
Hey what's up everybody. I am literally on the edge with this lockdown, but I'm making it through. Finding new ways to keep myself busy, and making sure I take care of my mental health as well. Here's a few things I've done to keep busy that may help you as well...
1.Staying Creative!
Of course being a songwriter, producer, and creator, no matter what's going on that never stops. I've been creating more music in this time and fully planning out new projects and releases.
2. Puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles!!!!
So before the lockdown officially began I went to walgreens and purchased 1 box with six puzzles 3 different sizes. I have so far done 4 puzzles. Now it's taken a few days between each but they have definitely kept my mind occupied.
3. SisterHood of The Traveling Story
My family and I have been writing a group story to keep ourselves busy. We set up a "Google Doc" page and everyday someone new adds a new page to the story. Now, you may not write the next "NewYork Times Best Seller," but it's a lot of fun!!!
I've taken this time to catch up with family and friends, as well as buildup and strengthen relationships with people I've been meaning to hitup.
5. Just call me Chef Tan!
I've been learning some new recipes and experimenting with some interesting dishes. After this over I may have to open up a restaurant!
I've been taking this time to also take care of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally and you should to! Sleep is something I'm lacking on the regular so I'm finally catching up with that. I've gone on some walks, and done some meditation I've also shed some tears, but release is good right?
All in all stay safe everyone! Take care of yourself, and remember you are not alone!